Shihan Mits Yamashita's Celebration of Life has been set for
Sunday July 11, 2021
Carson Community Center
Main Hall
The event will be from 11-3pm and EVERYONE is invited, but please RSVP if possible through the memorial website below.
We have put together a memorial website that allows a single place for information about the event, a place to RSVP, a live stream video link, how and where to send flowers and how to donate funds to help make it all happen. Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated.
Many of you have put your beautiful photos and the memories you have of Shihan and how he touched your life on Facebook, but they have been scattered among various comments to photos etc that were posted. The memorial site has a place to submit what you would like added to memorial video presentation we are putting together.
If any of you wants to help with the set up or break down of the event, or wishes to speak or otherwise participate at the Celebration of Life please contact Sensei Jeremy Johnston either through Facebook or directly at (310) 938-3135
Please visit: